Front cover and feature story in the legendary Antarctic magazine ” Antarctic”.
20th August, 2018

The reproductions were just about spot on as well. Here we the paintings “Shackleton’s Nimrod Hut” and “Thank you Mrs Sam”

Here is one of my favourite paintings ” Blow The Wind Southerly”. The painting depicts Scott’s ship ” Terra Nova” sailing through the brutal storm just South of New Zealand during the voyage to Ross Island Antarctica.
Life after the Antarctic paintings
20th February, 2018Here is the last painting that was almost completed before the Antarctic paintings. I must say painting old leather boots is very enjoyable. To create the rich leather so you can almost smell it is the challenge. In this case the painting depicts a pair of ladies boots from the Victorian era set in a scene of a old potting shed.
Please visit again for an update on my next exhibition and subjects.
Nice story about the Antarctic paintings and New Zealand Post stamps. Please click on the link.
20th February, 2018Antarctic exhibition sell out
12th November, 2017Thank you to everyone who attended the Antarctic exhibition. Yes, the exhibition sold out but the greatest pleasure was seeing peoples emotional response to the paintings. two people were moved to tears. The greatest reward an artist can have. Thank you.

Thank you to New Zealand Post for choosing six paintings in the Historic Huts Of the Ross Dependency 2017 stamp issue. All the other paintings have been included in the first day covers and presentation pack.
The painting “Dearest” reproduced as a stamp in the NZ Post Historic Huts of the Ross Dependency 2017 stamp issue
11th October, 2017The painting “Thank You Mrs Sam” reproduced as a stamp in the NZ Post Historic Huts of the Ross Dependency 2017 stamp issue
11th October, 2017The painting “Scott’s Terra Nova hut” reproduced as a stamp in the NZ Post Historic Huts of the Ross Dependency 2017 stamp issue
11th October, 2017Nelson artist’s exhibition documents Antarctic journeys of Scott and Shackleton
3rd October, 2017Nelson Mail story about the Antarctic paintings. Click here.